Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where next?

Now that I have started this thing, there are so many directions to go. Let's keep it simple. The President has been kidnapped, being held for nefarious purposes and the White House may soon be blown up. Wow, 24 is getting interesting. Now let's get back to reality.

President Obama has may great qualities. He is a wonderful communicator (although he would have failed the basic public speaking course I took in college and the instructor course I took in the Navy). He has hit the ground running by having legislation ready that he wanted passed.He is being compared FDR, Lincoln and the other big name presidents. I disagree, I think that he should be compared to the recent democratic president that no one wants to ever admit was a Democrat. No not Carter, LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON. Lyndon Johnson increased the size of the Government with his social legislation AND continued the great Camelot Crusade also known as Vietnam. Johnson had the Senate in his lap for much of his term. How much President Obama can accomplish will not be known for a while, We do know that his $3.75 TRILLION dollar budget will still hurt up in the long run, even if he can fulfill his pledge to reduce the debt in the long run. Imagine this scenario:

You come home one day and inform your spouse that you want to reduce the amount of things you buy because you are not sure if you will have a job in a few weeks. Your spouse looks at you and says, "Not a problem. We can keep spending, after all I still have checks." Or I have not gotten my credit card cut up yet, or something equally stupid.

Finally, I have heard the analogy that the $787 Billion dollar stimulus package is like taking a bucket of water from one side of the lake and pouring it in on the other side of that lake. I disagree it is like taking that bucket of water to the top of the stream that feeds it and pouring it in. The whole bucket will not make it back in and the level of the lake will go down.

"Here endeth the lesson" Sean Connery, the Untouchables.