Monday, March 23, 2009

What now?

I would like to say that coming up with a topic on this blog is kinda like the Tom Skerrit line in Top Gun: "There were bogies like flies.....".

Obama is still trying to talk up the economy after talking it down for so long. What I find interesting here is that this is the solution that was touted by the evil doers, Hannity and Limbaugh. They kept talking about how he did not do enough to talk up the economy, he was still running against George Bush, etc. So what does the great Obama do? He goes on Jay Leno. Now personally I agree with Neil Cavuto. Most of the criticism for his accepting this interview is from "Journalists" who wanted it. Jay did a good job in asking him some penetrating and some light-hearted questions.

What I find interesting about this is the fact that the Current "Great Communicator" badly flubbed the message again. He got everyone talking about the special Olympics instead of his great message. Okay, it was a joke. A tasteless one, but a joke. I am from Obama's generation and I remember when a line like that was funny. However, also I remember the insults that have been hurled at the Republicans by liberals over the past several years. For example, one line of reasoning went: If they (Republicans) were not so sanctimonious and attempting to create these standards, they would not be so criticized for not meeting those standards. This is a paraphrase of course, but it effectively is the argument when liberals attack Rush for his Drug usage in the past and other Republican indiscretions. Who set up this line of attack? The same folks who keep telling us that we have to be more sensitive to other peoples feelings. You know, the PC crowd. So in effect, Obama is being hoisted by his own petard.

But the upshot of this line of reasoning is that there can be no ideals that we hold as a society. "I believe there is no black or white only shades of gray". Yup, this is a movie quote (I am full of them, or something else if you believe The Boss). Here is the crux of the problem. As I was trying to teach HRH the other day (now try to remember she is only 7); there is right and wrong, no matter what people say. You know the difference. But to say that you can act this way because this other person did it, is not a reason - it is an excuse. I mean this for everyone. Just because someone cheated on their taxes and got away with it, does not mean you can do it too. Just because someone did a stupid thing and spent money on every program that occurred in their administration, even the one's championed by the opposing party and not their own and never vetoed a spending bill until year 6, does not mean we should continue that policy.... WE NEED CHANGE!!!!!!!

For examples of this deformed line of logic, all you have to do is listen to the talking head shows from 3/17 --

"We inherited this from the previous administration."
"The Republicans were not against the Bush administration when they had big deficits."
"You got to give this time, Obama (or Giethner, or whoever) has only been on the job for 60 days."
"The Republicans did this huge bail out also."
"If we do not bail out the (fill in the blank) industry, then you will only be supporting the fat cats and not the middle class.

You get the basic picture. "So let's recap.. no it will take too long, let's sum up."

I hate the huge spending on both the right and left - I really stink at staying on the message that this stuff makes no sense - and I am great at movie quotes.