Rush gave Obama what he wanted. A forum, a chance to debate and make Rush look foolish, and the potential crushing blow of talk radio on the largest show in the land. Obama has given Rush something also. He has given him a real boogie man, one who he can truely vanquish, and the ranking of the leader of the Republican Party.
Let's get real. No Sitting president would go for this deal. A Debate on a rival's radio show with no control over the content of topics. It is an offer that Rush knew would not be accepted. The President and his staff know this. Is this a way to take people's attention from Obama's problems with the government? I do not know. I have heard this line of reasoning from others. All I know is that WE THE PEOPLE do not have time for this garbage.
Let's ask the question this way. If you were a manager, team leader (etc.) and your employees were spending their time arguing with everyone instead of doing thier jobs, how long would they have a job? My guess is about 30 seconds. The Obama administration is spending more time dealing with petty BS, the sort of stuff that can be blown off, than they are with getting real work done.
6 years ago
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